Let’s talk about a nature hike experience

Kiren Imran
2 min readSep 19, 2023
Photo taken by Author

Chaos in life and too much work can sometimes make us long for a chance to get back in touch with nature. That is exactly what inspired me to set out on a wonderful 10-kilometer solo trek through the enchanting Laurel Creek Conservation Area (Waterloo, Canada)

When I first arrived at the trailhead in the morning, the fresh, pure air lifted my spirits and filled my lungs. The tall trees were covered in a golden tint as the sun was just starting to rise. I explored the interior of the forest. As soon as I set foot in nature, I felt as though I had left behind the responsibilities of daily life.

The further I ventured, the more the harmony of the natural world surrounded me. The sound track of my excursion consisted of the lovely chirping of birds, the rustling of little critters in the underbrush, and the odd whisper of the wind in the leaves.

The route started to climb, taxing my physical stamina. As I pushed forward, my breath increased and my pulse raced. With every fight uphill, I found a power within that I had almost completely forgotten I possessed.

My perspiration on my brow started to represent my resolve. After several kilometers, I arrived at a serene clearing with a view that seemed to stretch to infinity. I stopped there to gather my breath, sip some water, and consider my route.



Kiren Imran

Miss curious. I really love learning, even when it's tough! Through my writings, I express my opinions, ideas and thoughts on many topics.