What does it take to be persistent in life? A Path to Success in Life

Kiren Imran
4 min readJan 5, 2024
Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

Greatness is not measured by what you accomplished how many times you pick yourself up and try again measure it. Most people fail because they don’t have determination and persistence.

People give up too soon because they have unrealistic expectations from life and the people around them. They expect the ways to be effortless and they are surprised when they find the reality to be the opposite. Their motivation to move ahead quickly melts, and they lose hope.

Humans are complex creatures. Plight and hope can coexist and still create something meaningful. Persistence is the ability to stick with something despite all the obstacles, setbacks, and trying times. You keep moving, even if you feel like quitting. It’s the ability to achieve your necessary goals, no matter what the reality is.

To be persistent, start your journey with realistic expectations, so you won’t be surprised, and don’t underestimate the amount of time required, either.

The path to success is determination and persistence in whatever you choose to do

As Og Mandino rightfully said regarding persistence,

I will persist until I succeed. I will take another step? If that is of no avail, I will take another, and yet another. In truth



Kiren Imran

Miss curious. I really love learning, even when it's tough! Through my writings, I express my opinions, ideas and thoughts on many topics.